We Need You!
Yesterday, the New York Times published a piece on overdose deaths that focused on the recent numbers stated by the National Center for Health Statistics. They are jaw dropping. Roni Caryn Rabin reported, “In the 12-month period that ended in April, more than 100,000 Americans died of overdoses, up almost 30 percent. The figure marks the first time the number of overdose deaths in the United States has exceeded 100,000 a year, more than the toll of car crashes and gun fatalities combined. Overdose deaths have more than doubled since 2015.” We have all been personally affected by this.
These are just the number of overdoses that resulted in death. It is estimated that there were just under half million non-fatal drug overdoses over the same period reported above. This provides a tragic view into the incredible number of people who are turning to drug misuse to cope with life.
The US is going focus a lot of money towards addressing this problem. The massive stimulus bill passed last spring included $1.5 billion for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders, and $30 million to fund local services for people struggling with addiction, including syringe exchange programs. Focus and commitment of resources is important to deal with these problems but, sadly, secular answers rarely produce more than temporary change.
“I believe that God is at the center of any truly successful response to this growing problem… and I need your help”
What if we mobilize the church, the body of Christ, to stand at the front lines of this catastrophe? What if we provide a completely free resource to individuals and families struggling with addiction? A relationship that is centered on hope, freedom, and Christ. A relationship that gives life – true life! A relationship that connects the people to the body of Christ.
At Unbound Grace we are connected with an ever-increasing number of individuals and families that need grace-filled, nonjudgmental relationships that lead to spiritual health. Spiritual health is not behavior modification but rather, is transformational and leads to healed relationships (Romans 12:1-2).
Unbound Grace has developed a discipleship platform called the PATH that matches people seeking recovery from addiction with followers of Christ that are trained to lead people out of addiction. It is accessible and efficient. For more info on the PATH click here.
We are all equally broken and need to be rescued. You have an incredible opportunity to share the Hope that rescued you, with the person who is in desperate need of that same Hope. The main distinction between the two of you is that you are a little further along the journey than they are.
“I get it, there is a stigma involved with working with addicts. ”
I challenge you to attend an alcoholics anonymous group in your area; you will observe people like you in appearance and socioeconomic status. Remember the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10)? We are the person beat up and thrown into the ditch, left dead and passed over by the religious elite. We are the ones in need of rescue, and, because of Christ, we can offer the same hope of rescue to those broken by the world.
The church has a strong track record of responding well to natural disaster and, in some cases, participation in short-term mission trips. I’m asking the church to respond to this disaster in our communities and even in some of our families. I’m asking you to share the Bread of Life with the starving at no monetary cost to you. Consider that ROI.
Will you partner with Unbound Grace to start a life-giving relationship with someone seeking true recovery? If you follow Christ and seek to live out the Gospel, you are qualified and can be equipped to shine His light into dark places – there is no addiction experience required. The commitment is about an hour a week once you have completed our training modules.
Our online platform provides connections, tools, and resources to assist you in establishing these Gospel-centered, life-giving, fun relationships. If you want to know more call or email John@unboundgrace.life.
We currently have more people seeking recovery than we have volunteers to help guide them. We need men and women, young and old who are willing to make a difference – as you know, addiction attacks all people.
Here is all we ask:
Will you consider becoming a “Guide” for someone seeking recovery? For more information click here.
Will you share this incredible opportunity with your church? We are posed to mobilize the body of Christ to change lives right now. We need your help connecting with churches.