Welcome to The PATH
Where Guides and Journeyers pursue discipleship and growth together.
Getting Started
Congratulations! You have been matched… but now what?
Save contact information
You should receive your Journeyer/Guide’s contact information from the Foundry staff. This may be an office phone number or a personal cell number. Save their contact information.
Contact your Journeyer/Guide
If your Journeyer has their own phone, text messaging and phone calls are typically the best way to connect quickly. If the Journeyer is still living on campus you may need to leave a message at the office phone number. They should call you back.
Download the Workbook App
During The PATH program, until the Journeyer graduates from the Foundry, Guides, and Journeyers read and discuss Rhythms of Recovery, a curriculum written and designed by Unbound Grace specifically for Guides and Journeyers on the PATH. Download the app or view it on your web browser to access and complete each lesson.
Plan Your First Meeting
For the first meeting, enjoy getting to know each other. If you feel comfortable, this is a great time to share a little about your story, or share what God is teaching you in this season of life. Go ahead and plan your next meeting.
Start Rhythms of Recovery: Week 1
Rhythms of Recovery is made up of 10 weeks of devotions. Each week focuses on a different theme important for a healthy life and recovery from addiction. Each week has 4 lessons to complete, with discussion questions at the end of each lesson. These discussion questions are intended to prompt encouraging spiritual conversations during your meetings.
Meet Regularly With Your Journeyer
Plan to meet every week if your Journeyer’s program allows it. Ideas for weekly meetings:
Discuss the weekly readings and discussion questions
Each share about what God is teaching you
Each share a prayer request
Pray for one another before the meeting ends
Plan your next meeting
Guides: Complete the Weekly Report After Each Meeting.
In order to make sure each Journeyer remains compliant with the Foundry’s program guidelines, Guides commit to completing the weekly report once per week. The report includes your names, if you met this week, and a place to submit questions. This report is submitted to Unbound Grace Staff and the Foundry Program Staff.
The weekly report can be found on the Guide Hub, and on the Workbook App.